We now have a full list of speakers from March 2017 to November 20217. It should prove an exciting and informative programme for anybody interested in archaeology. There is a good mix of speakers including professional archaeologists, members of our voluntary groups and members of our own group. Hopefully you will come along to the Rothwell Community Hub and join our audience. The cost for an evening is £4.00 to include refreshments. If you decide to join our group then admission is only £2.00 and represents a significant saving over the year. There is free parking behind the hub building and a bus stop immediately outside.
Click here for details of the programme change for Wednesday 22nd November
[…] NEWS UPDATE November 2017: Our speaker for the 22nd November has had to be changed. We now have a fascinating talk from Phil Abramson, an Archaeology Advisor on the MOD Historic Environment Team since 2004 covering the North of England, Scotland…..and Cyprus. Full details can be found here […]